Waste of Space by Gina Damico - Book Review

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

cover of Waste of Space by Gina Damico

Cram ten hormonal teens into a spaceship and blast off: that’s the premise for the ill-conceived reality show Waste of Space. The kids who are cast know everything about drama—and nothing about the fact that the production is fake. Hidden in a desert warehouse, their spaceship replica is equipped with state-of-the-art special effects dreamed up by the scientists partnering with the shady cable network airing the show.  And it’s a hit! Millions of viewers are transfixed. But then, suddenly, all communication is severed. Trapped and paranoid, the kids must figure out what to do when this reality show loses its grip on reality. (Goodreads)
I received a copy of this book in ebook format to review from Netgalley.com

The first half of this book left me feeling both frustrated and annoyed. The dialogue did not sound realistic at all and the stereotyping was taken to the extreme. It also felt like a bit of a rip-off of several recent popular sci-fi-related YA books. Oh, and do not get me started on the names of the majority of the characters. They just sounded ridiculous. I was also bothered by the book being set in 2017. It just did not make sense to me for these events to be set in the current time period. However, around the middle of the book, things began to improve immensely. I finally began to feel invested in the story and what happens to the characters (especially Nico) and by the end of the book all I could say was "wow". It felt like it was going to be very predictable, but it actually went in a direction I did not expect.

Rating: ★★★☆☆3.5/5

Book & Author Information: Goodreads

Published: July 11th, 2017

If you read this and like it, but want something darker, I would recommend reading 172 Hours On the Moon. Also, the format is similar to the Illuminae Files series, so if that is something you enjoy, check out those books as well.

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