When We're Entwined by Jody A. Kessler - Book Review

Friday, March 10, 2017

book cover for When We're Entwined by Jody A. Kessler

"Former circus performer and aerial gymnast, Tara knows it’s time to move on. Tired of the constant abuse and the emotional rollercoaster ride at home, she takes to the road to perform on stage with her boyfriend and his band, Paradox 21.

Drunken excursions and late-night after-parties lead to an unfathomable betrayal by her boyfriend, Keel. Tara never imagined her summer tour would come to an abrupt end that lands her jobless, homeless, and broke in a city far from home." (Goodreads)


I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have conflicted feelings about this book. From page one I was instantly sucked in and to me, it felt like there was this feeling like something absolutely horrendous was going to happen. Granted, bad things do indeed happen, but not of the sort it feels like the story is directing things toward. It goes back and forth between being very slow and spending way too much time on things that I found to be boring and moving almost too fast, not allowing for the bigger events and the consequences of them to fully develop. The way the lead character reacts to these events and the people she meets feels a bit unrealistic. Several tropes that have become common in YA find themselves at home in this New Adult story. However, I did find myself enjoying this book. When I picked it up, I did not want to put it back down. When I did put it down, though, I did not find myself missing it.

Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3/5

Book & Author Information: Goodreads

Published: July 14th, 2016

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